
20 Aralık 2024 Cuma

New Edited Book: Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation


Istanbul Kent University’s Political Science and Public Administration (English) department chair and International Political Academy (UPA) founder Prof. Ozan Örmeci, Marmara University staff and UPA expert Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan Göksel, and Social Sciences University of Ankara staff Prof. Gürol Baba edited a new volume on Turkish-British (United Kingdom) relations. The book is published by famous international publisher Lexington Books and is entitled Türkiye-Britain Relations: Two Hundred Years of an Intertwined Conflict and Cooperation. While the book's back cover comment is written by Prof. Herbert Reginbogin from the Catholic University of America, the Introduction and Conclusion chapters are written by the editors of the work.

Gürol Baba

The book, which consists of 316 pages, analyzes all aspects of Turkish-British relations. The book is divided into 3 parts and comprises 14 chapters. In the first part, the historical background of Turkish-British relations is studied with five original chapters written by Nurcan Özkaplan Yurdakul, F. Begüm Yıldızeli, William Hale, Warren Dockter, and Gürol Baba. The second part of the book is devoted to contemporary Turkish-British relations. It contains four original chapters written by Ahmet Ceylan, Ozan Örmeci, Eren Alper Yılmaz, Matthew Weiss, Gökhan Ak, and Oğuzhan Göksel. The book's third part analyzes key areas and issues in relations between the Türkiye and the United Kingdom. In this part, five different chapters are written by M. Cem Oğultürk, Özker Kocadal, Sina Kısacık, Cenk Özgen, Elnur İsmayıl, Hüseyin Bağcı, and Polat Üründül. The book also contains an index section and detailed information about the editors and contributors on the last pages.

Oğuzhan Göksel

You can find more details about the book as well as links to purchase the book below.

Table of Contents




About the Authors


Ozan Örmeci

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